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RationalDMIS Graphics area

The Graphics area provides an elegant solutions to traditional screen clutter, navigation and useable screen area issues associated with other CMM software.

No more fighting a loosing battle with managing and resizing little popup windows, simply click an icon or press a function key to change the entire main graphics area to the desired view.


One Click...         



A single click on the Graphics Viewer (or press F3 on the Keyboard) GraphicsViewerIcon will change the current view to the Graphics View and present the Graphics Toolbar dynamically.
The Graphics view provides a full view of the CMM, any CAD models and all measured features.


The view can be easily manipulated using your mouse to zoom, rotate and pan.
A traditional "elastic band" zoom window allows you to select a particular region to zoom.


The view rotation selector can provides tool to make manipulating the graphics view even easier by allowing you to select from a number of different view manipulation tools.

Hold your cursor over an icon to the left for a brief description of each icon function.



The Display Items Selector allows full control of items displayed in the Graphics Area.
A simple click will check an item to make it visible or uncheck an item to hide it from view.



The Auto View Options can disable or enable automatically displayed items or information.

  • Collision detection will provide a collision zone around a CAD model and provide automatic probe collision warning

  • Auto Target Zoom will automatically zoom the graphics in on the next point to be measured or the next position location.

  • Auto Probe Zoom will automatically keep the stylus in the center of the graphics view area.

  • Auto Show CRD will automatically display a small trihedron to indicate the location and orientation of a coordinate system.




The Pick Option Tool provides extensive interaction with the on-screen graphics.
All it takes is...
       One Click...
One click and you can select 3-D geometry from a CAD model , or you can select 2-D geometry.
One click and you can select actual measured features or nominal features directly from the graphics view AND drag and drop those features to other areas of OpenDMIS!
One click and you can pick individual points for measurement from CAD or any feature graphic on the screen, or you can adjust automatically generated points to better suit your requirements.

Hold your cursor over an icon to the left for a brief description of each icon function.